Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Yellow shower this morning!

Major told me he had to go poo potty this morning so I ran him to the bathroom, got his diaper off (he had already gone just a litte in his diaper) and sat him on the potty. He sat there and started doing his business, I sat in front of the potty on the floor as always because they sometimes try to get up and may fall on the hard tile floor. I was glad to see that Major had actually made it to the potty in time to do his doo! Jackson was standing kinda beside me but out of my side view saying I pee pee potty. Jackson don't usually show interest in the potty, other than taking off his own diaper AFTER he has gone, so I didn't pay him much attention. I kept my eye on Major so he didn't try to get up, just then Major started yelling NOOoo Jacks! Diaper ON! So I put one hand on Major's leg to keep him on the potty so I could look back at Jackson, just then I felt something spraying on my leg! Jackson had taken off his diaper and was peeing all over the floor, wall, AND my legs! YUCK! So now I'm squatting so I'm not sitting in the pee, Major is trying to get off the potty (guess he was done) and Jackson was tapping his feet in his pee on the floor. UGH! What a mess, So I grabbed a towel and threw it on the floor and put my foot on it so I could swish the towel around to keep Jackson from playing in it. Jackson almost fell twice in his own pee, all the while I've still got one hand on Major so he couldn't get up. I finally got enough of the pee up that I could get Major off the potty and wipe him, then I got a rag and wet it with warm water and started cleaning Jackson's legs and feet off. I ran them out of the bathroom so I could get diapers on them then I went back with a mop and cleaned the floor and wall up.  : #   I got finished and then realized how funny this really had been and thought I'd share it. I got out the laptop (which has to stay plugged into the wall because the battery is bad) and begin to type this story.....Jackson came up and got into the chair with my and unplugged the laptop. Of course I was about halfway through this story and hadn't saved it and had to start all over again. So I plugged it back in and restarted the story just to get all the way to the end when Jackson unplugged it AGAIN! So this is was my third attempt to get this wrote! (I saved every other sentence this time!) LOL
     Also, Major just came up to me and said diaper change, he finished pooping in his diaper after all that! Oh, and it's not even 10 am yet! Joy, Joy, Joy!    : /

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