Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What they want, they TAKE!

When Jackson got up this morning he asked if he could take a bath, I told him no you had one last night. Now, we have started locking the bedroom and bathroom doors because they can open them, so when I got up I locked all the doors as usual. And a few hours later they went to watch tv in their tv room, I checked on them about every 10mins or so. But 5mins after I checked on them I heard bath water running.....I went into my bathroom to find the water running and in the tub was two of my high heels and one of Lane's old shoes, a pillow, a book, and Jackson and Major! They still had their diapers and t-shirts on and Major was pouring water over the side of the tub onto the floor. The floor was sopping wet and Major had a wet poopy diaper. Jackson was yelling I'm swimming, I'm swimming! As I stood at the door and looked at what a mess the bathroom and tub was all I could think was this is SO funny! I guess it would have been much easier to have just gave them a bath when he asked. LOL! My little monsters!

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