Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What an afternoon!

So, I finally made myself tackle Lane's room today! We (and I say that loosely since Lane wasn't much help) went through all his clothes and cleaned his toy box out. He had to try on almost all the clothes in his closet to see if they still fit since he had a growth spurt this summer, MAN was that a feat! He fussed the whole time about trying the clothes on, you'd think I was making him eat worms or something. He said his stomach hurt, his back hurt, and that he NEEDED a nap! Like I didn't have all those same problems! LOL To top it off the twins woke up from their nap just when we made it to the toy about having to keep my eyes pealed! They were finding marbles and chucking them at the walls, each other, and ME! And every toy I put in the trash bag they had to pull it back out and "make sure it was trash".  Finally "we" got it all cleaned and vacuumed up, so I put the vacuum in another room while I dusted Lane's tv off. Well, I shouldn't have left the vacuum where the twins could get it because a few mins later Lane was yelling MOM, the babies done got the vacuum! I went into the room and they had dirt ALL over them, in their hair, mouth, and their diapers were even brown with dirt! Ugh! So after I got that cleaned up I had to give them ANOTHER bath, which they LOVED! lol So I thought I was done cleaning for a while but as I took their dirty clothes to the laundry room I noticed alot of water on the counter....then I saw several plastic cups on the table....Lane had decided to make another one of his "science projects" while I was giving the babies a bath. He took these little plastic toys and dropped them in a cup of water and put them in the freezer....some he put ice and water in and some he put just water in....not that that mattered to me. All I saw was water and ice all over the kitchen and several cups with weird things in them in my freezer! Needless to say HE cleaned that mess up all by himself. So by now Daddy had got home and announce that he was so sleepy, tired, and 
     After dinner Major walked around for almost an hour whining because he wanted JJ or I to put the head cushion onto Kash's (the baby due in Nov.) baby car seat, we did NOT give into this demand. Humph! :)  Then, I saw Jackson in the floor with his toy fish, the kind that sings and flops it's fins. Well, he was sticking out his tongue and putting it in the fish's moving mouth.......guess his first attempt at a french kiss was with a stuffed fish instead of a girl.....but on second thought, maybe I should just be glad it wasn't Grandma Debra's dog!

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