Friday, August 12, 2011

In need of some energy?

   I invited my niece Payton and nephew Andrew to come stay the night with my kids last night. After their mom left and we had lunch I decided that we'd play in the sprinkler (well, just the kids, NO WAY I was getting my pregnant self into a bathing suit in front of the neighbors!) so that's five kids to get dressed into swim suits and safely outside. We got out there and turned the water on and of course the twins were the first to jump under the water, Lane went straight to filling up a bucket so he could dump it on someone's head and Payton and Andrew just kinda stood where their feet could get wet while they covered their eyes. I took a seat in a fold up chair with my camera at hand, I'm not one to miss getting a picture of a priceless moment! :)  After a few minutes Payton and Andrew got use to the water and started running around. By then Lane had already gotten into trouble three times for pouring buckets of water onto the twins' heads, and Major had pulled off one of the plastic parts that went to the sprinkler....but all was going well. After about 30 mins of playing well together Jackson picked up the sprinkler and sprayed Lane right in the eyes with the water...funny....well NOT to Lane it wasn't! He went off, stomped away yelling at Jack, said he didn't want to play with that stupid baby anymore! lol I explained to him that he was just doing back to Lane what he had done to him....well after atleast 10 mins of pouting Lane went back to playing with Payton and Andrew....they had figured out they could make a mud hole. About that time the neighbor's dog came running into our yard, greeted each child with a quick lick on the leg and kept running....he made it to the back door where JJ had thrown out a really stinky diaper the night before. The dog grabbed it up and took off with it. OK, now this isn't the first time this had happened....but was I gonna chase after him this time? NO WAY, not while I am 28 weeks pregnant and it's like 104 degrees outside! lol The kids thought the sight of the dog running off with a poopy diaper was the FUNNIEST thing they had ever seen! Major and Jackson took off after there went the idea that I wasn't going to be chaseing anything down. lol Well, after I got the boys to stay on our side of the yard Major spotted the broom (this child is in LOVE with mops and brooms) so he started sweeping the porch and was happy as a clam. Jackson saw a spider and kept getting me to kiss his imaginary spider bites every other minute. By now the bigger kids had a MUD HOLE dug and was very happy about it. We had been out there for about an hour and a half (I got some great pics) and I knew that they all probably in need of some rest (no naps all day). While drying them off I noticed all the grass on them and realized they'd all have to have baths.... they were just fine with that idea. So I got Payton into the big tub (it has jets in it) and Andrew into Lane's bathroom tub. (I asked Lane to help me keep and eye on the little boys while I ran back and fourth between Payton and Andrew helping them get a bath.) I only put about a two feet of water in Andrew's tub and then ran into where Payton was (I had ran her water first). I turned the jets on for her and she squeeled with joy, so I showed her how to turn it off and said I needed to go check on keep in mind that Lane is in the hall listening for Andrew and keeping an eye on the twins, so they were safe. I ran back to Andrew and he was sitting in the tub with no water in it.....guess he somehow let the water out but he was still playing quietly, so I turned the water on and gave him a quick bath. Lane said Payton is crying mom, so I told Lane to sit with Andrew so I could check on Payton. She had gotten upset with the jets because she couldn't get them to turn off! LOL So I washed her and got her out then ran back to Andrew who was still playing in the tub.....with no water in it...I said are you ready to get out? He said no, I'll just play for a little bit longer. But I told him he had to get out because he was getting too wrinkley. LOL (funny! because again, no water!) After that I decided to just put Lane and the babies in the tub together....I figured it was in my best intrest at this point! :)  They were all really tired by now and ready to sit down and watch some tv. Andrew came up to me and said thank you Aunt Terri for letting me stay with you.....SO SWEET. Little did he know I was even happier than he was to have them stay, there's nothing better than a kids smile and and the sound of them laugh. Major and Jackson ran around the whole time saying where's Pate, and Lane kept asking where Andrew went to.....and although there were a few arguments (mainly out of my kids) was the greatest thing for me to look around and see that it really don't take much to make kids happy.........or to wear a pregnant woman out for that matter! LOL But SO worth it!                                                     I am truly Blessed!!
     Also, I had to take "Pate" and Andrew home today and Lane to his dad's for the weekend so JJ stayed home with Jackson and Major. While I was gone JJ said that he was in the kitchen cleaning up when he heard them fighting....he walked into the living room and saw them beating each other over the head with 9 volt batteries! Talk about a way to get some energy back into yourself! ...........I wonder if I beat myself over the head with a battery if I would gain it's energy! LOL

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