Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The POOP MONSTER strikes!

Okay, it's been a while since I've had time to write but we have our new baby here! He is super cute and is such a good baby!! I really mean a GOOD BABY!! He has slept ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT FROM DAY ONE!!! I know right!!! Amazing! The twins started sleeping through the night at around three weeks old, my oldest child Lane was FOUR before he started sleeping through the night. And after the twins I just knew I couldn't get that lucky (more like BLESSED!) again! But I did! Thank GOD because with the way the twins have started acting when it's bedtime I'm not sure I could survive a baby that wakes up every two hours at night! LOL
I don't know what's gotten into Major and Jackson, seems like as soon as they hit two they became the poster children for the "terrible two's" saying. We use to be able to say bed time and brush their teeth and put them to bed.....just easy as pie! But now we even mention the word bed and they go crazy! We have tried spanking them, letting them watch tv in bed, laying in the beds with them for a while.....nothing seems to work for more than one night. One of us usually has to stay in there with them either threatening them to not get up or "petting" them to sleep. Sigh! I do realize that having the baby here now is a big change for them but this started several months before Kash got here. I'm at a loss!
Lane is doing ok in school, he still isn't make the best grades in math but he is improving. I've just realized that I'm going to have to stay on his teachers about sending study stuff home. He is just in love with Kash! He was the same way with the twins.....up until they were old enough to start showing him that they had their own personalities! LOL But I think we all sometimes wish they would stay babies! ; )
JJ (my husband) has been  totally awesome.....well he is totally awesome most always anyhow! But he really has since I got pregnant and started having all these gallbladder problems. He has been doing EVERYTHING! Really, he won't even hardly allow me to get up out of my chair! Which probably seems great to most people who aren't so obsessed with having things done just so! LOL I've really learned to relax and let things go though this past year and so, for that, I am grateful and proud. I am now a mother of four that just had a c-sec and is due for a tubal/gallbladder removal on December 16th....... and basically have NO control over how ANYTHING goes anymore anyhow. So I'm going to just go with the flow and pray my husband don't kill himself trying to take care of us all! LOL No, really though, JJ has been awesome and I couldn't ask for a better partner! (Now if only I could get him to stop thinking it's cute get out of the shower and show me his "little dance"! LOL
Now, to get these twins potty trained!!!! Let me tell you what happened the first day I was home alone with all three of the babies! I was in the middle of breastfeeding Kash when I heard the twins start yelling something about the "poop monster".....I though hummm, they must be saying something else, surely not POOP monster. Well, Jackson came running into the living room where I was and said ROAR, I'M THE POOP MONSTER! (So I looked at his bottom and no diaper! But it also didn't look as if he had pooped either!) Well, I just said really, your the poop monster....ha ha ha!  Then I saw Major with a shovel running back into their bedroom.....so I quickly stopped feeding Kash (he was pretty much done anyways) and went to see what they were talking about. I walked into their room and what did I see?!?!  Jackson jumping on the bed half naked yelling poop monster and Major in the floor with a plastic shovel picking up little poop balls (WITH HIS HAND!!!) and placing them into the shovel! OMG!! I grabbed them and took them to the bathroom and scrubbed them down, then went to clean the mess in the room up.....as I was taking the "mess" to the trash I saw little poop balls all over the front sitting room floor! (My first thought, after "I'm gonna KILL them!" was I can't believe all this came out of one child (Jackson), then my second thought was I needed to give him some juice to loosen things up! LOL) They had been putting the poop in the shovel and throwing it into the front room! YUCK!!!! So I cleaned all that up and by the time I was done it was time to start feeding the baby again!
I thought to myself, if this is what my days have in store for me then I'm gonna need a stiff drink every day by lunch! LOL And although it wasn't funny at the time, I find it very funny now.....THE POOP MONSTER!!!! ROAR!!!   Boys are SO gross!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Nerves are getting to me.....

Well, baby boy number four will be here in 11 days!!! I must say that I am a nervous wreck! Most people tell me that if I could handle new born twins that I can handle one more....but I wasn't even a bit nervous or scared when I was expecting them. I was calm and confident and ready to take it on! This time seems alot different...could be because I already have three kids!! lol I know that God will see us through and give me the strength to handle it all but I'm still alittle scared. So please pray for me.....well all of us! I'm sure it will be quite the change for all of us.
On another note, I have managed to keep the twins from smearing poop all over the house for the last month but they are STILL taking their diapers off almost every time they dirty it. I've kept shorts on them and they still take them off.....mabe I should try duct tape! lol And I'm sure they would be potty trained by now if I felt well enough to put all I had into it. But as soon as I'm healed from the c-sec I will get right on it.
Lane is doing pretty well in his new school, it's def alot different than he is use to but he is happy. He got his first D-Hall a few weeks ago....he was scared to death but after he "served" his time he was like "that wasn't that bad!" :(  Lord I hope this don't mean he ain't scared of getting into trouble anymore! He ran for student council but didn't get voted in....I think the whole experiance was good for him. He seemed to have alot of fun running also.
Jackson has been attached to my stomache for the last several months....he love to feel the baby kick and rub my tummy. I think it's so sweet! I am alittle worried about his jealousy after the baby is born but I think for now he is excited. Major talks alittle about the baby but most of the time could care less! lol They mostly fight over my lap because I can sit both of them in it anymore! Major has even said MOVE BABY KASH! :)
I am not sleeping much anymore and I am always thinking too much....but I think that is the nesting part of the pregnancy. That or the fact that I can't get comfortable! But on the up side the doctor set me up to get my gallbladder removed and for a tubal on Dec. 7th!  YAY! Until then I don't think I'm gonna let my hubby so much as kiss me! lol Just kidding! But I will be so glad when that is done, alot less pain and worry! Well, that's all for now. I'm gonna try to just think about this cute, sweet, wonderful little blessing that's about to enter into my world and not about the scary stuff.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What they want, they TAKE!

When Jackson got up this morning he asked if he could take a bath, I told him no you had one last night. Now, we have started locking the bedroom and bathroom doors because they can open them, so when I got up I locked all the doors as usual. And a few hours later they went to watch tv in their tv room, I checked on them about every 10mins or so. But 5mins after I checked on them I heard bath water running.....I went into my bathroom to find the water running and in the tub was two of my high heels and one of Lane's old shoes, a pillow, a book, and Jackson and Major! They still had their diapers and t-shirts on and Major was pouring water over the side of the tub onto the floor. The floor was sopping wet and Major had a wet poopy diaper. Jackson was yelling I'm swimming, I'm swimming! As I stood at the door and looked at what a mess the bathroom and tub was all I could think was this is SO funny! I guess it would have been much easier to have just gave them a bath when he asked. LOL! My little monsters!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Yellow shower this morning!

Major told me he had to go poo potty this morning so I ran him to the bathroom, got his diaper off (he had already gone just a litte in his diaper) and sat him on the potty. He sat there and started doing his business, I sat in front of the potty on the floor as always because they sometimes try to get up and may fall on the hard tile floor. I was glad to see that Major had actually made it to the potty in time to do his doo! Jackson was standing kinda beside me but out of my side view saying I pee pee potty. Jackson don't usually show interest in the potty, other than taking off his own diaper AFTER he has gone, so I didn't pay him much attention. I kept my eye on Major so he didn't try to get up, just then Major started yelling NOOoo Jacks! Diaper ON! So I put one hand on Major's leg to keep him on the potty so I could look back at Jackson, just then I felt something spraying on my leg! Jackson had taken off his diaper and was peeing all over the floor, wall, AND my legs! YUCK! So now I'm squatting so I'm not sitting in the pee, Major is trying to get off the potty (guess he was done) and Jackson was tapping his feet in his pee on the floor. UGH! What a mess, So I grabbed a towel and threw it on the floor and put my foot on it so I could swish the towel around to keep Jackson from playing in it. Jackson almost fell twice in his own pee, all the while I've still got one hand on Major so he couldn't get up. I finally got enough of the pee up that I could get Major off the potty and wipe him, then I got a rag and wet it with warm water and started cleaning Jackson's legs and feet off. I ran them out of the bathroom so I could get diapers on them then I went back with a mop and cleaned the floor and wall up.  : #   I got finished and then realized how funny this really had been and thought I'd share it. I got out the laptop (which has to stay plugged into the wall because the battery is bad) and begin to type this story.....Jackson came up and got into the chair with my and unplugged the laptop. Of course I was about halfway through this story and hadn't saved it and had to start all over again. So I plugged it back in and restarted the story just to get all the way to the end when Jackson unplugged it AGAIN! So this is was my third attempt to get this wrote! (I saved every other sentence this time!) LOL
     Also, Major just came up to me and said diaper change, he finished pooping in his diaper after all that! Oh, and it's not even 10 am yet! Joy, Joy, Joy!    : /

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dentist apts

Today I took all three boys to the dentist to have their teeth cleaned, all by myself! lol
Major and Jackson done really good, they only cried some when we had to hold them down to do the cleaning. And I just knew that Lane would end up with a mouth full of cavities but he didn't have any! The dentist did tell him he had to get a tooth pulled it he couldn't get it out on his own in the next month. The dentist is from Australia and has an accent so the boys love to hear him talk, so after he looked at Major's teeth he was telling him how good they looked and said Major give me five and held up his hand and Major puckered up and kissed the dentist on the cheek. It was so funny! I guess they think he sounds like the Wiggles! Oh, and Jackson cried alittle when we left because they had to toy Ernie (holding his rubber ducky and all) and he was upset that he couldn't bring it home with him. But I'm so glad they all got a great check up!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Funny, funny, funny!

Last night Jackson brought his guitar up to me and started playing me a song, after a few minutes I realized he didn't have a diaper on and his legs were wet! He had wet his diaper and took it off, then apparently went again. So I fussed at him and put a new diaper on him then I started to look for where he had wet the floor so I could clean it up. I couldn't find any wet spots, but then a few minutes later Major stared looking for his "baby" (a little toy bear he carries EVERYWHERE) and when he found it he brought it over to me saying "Bear, bath, yucky!" I looked at the bear and it was wet! Major had seen me looking and asking Jackson where he had wet the floor and figured out that the bear had pee on it. LOL  I should say YUCKY!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Very Different Feeling for Supermom

Let me start by saying I am writing this at 6am! I rarely see this time of day so I'm not sure how this will turn out, but here you go! LOL
            Alright, so it's school time again! Yesterday was rough on this Supermom....I took all three kids to get school supplies, get hair cuts, and got Lane some new school cloths. Then we went to the school and got his schedule and got to quickly meet all his teachers. So it was a long day but it started out somehow different....
The day started like this: Jackson woke up at 6:30am, came into my room and threw a basketball in my face and said "Backitball mom, catch it!" But I was able to get him to get into the bed with me and after about 30mins of talking I was able to get him to go back to sleep. However I couldn't go back to sleep! So, like I said for some reason I was just feeling different, not bad, sad, nervous, or scared....just like something was different....So as I laid there with this little monster cuddled up beside me, his warm breath on my arm and drool soaking threw my nightgown.....he threw his arm over my pregnant tummy and Kash begin kicking him....I lay there thinking about why I was having this weird feeling.
So, school....well let me just say that Lane went to private school he whole life up until this year. He went to Victory in Camden from Pre-K to 2nd grade, and let me just say they were a GREAT school. We loved it there, it felt like "home" in a way. Then we moved to Texarkana his 3rd grade year and he went to Trinity for 3rd and 4th grades....VERY different than what we were use to but okay. And let me just say that from the start JJ and I felt strongly about wanting Lane to go to a Christian school and be taught by fellow Christians with like minded curriculum. You know, lay a good foundation. And Victory was that for him....Trinity....well not as much. But anyway, at Victory we felt that "safety net", then at Trinity it felt more like a "safety net" with holes in it.....so I prayed alot about it and God has giving me peace with our decision to put him in public school. I know Lane has a good relationship with God although he is only 9.
I am the kind of mother that has always been very proud to see my kids grow, alot of moms cringe at the sight of their child growing up.....more like they seem to want their kids to stay little forever....(not that there is anything wrong with that! lol) but I'm NOT one of those moms. I am a "pusher" mom, I want to push to them to grow and improve in everything.....the Bible says to "....grow your kids UP" so that is what I strive to do....ain't that what parents are here for......to grow our kids UP? not hold them back or make they'd stay little...
So yesterday we met his teachers and got a run down of how things will work. I like the school alright, seems to be nice...although I'm not sure it's going to be as "tough" as what Lane is use to, I'm sure he will do great. But it is, as my husband stated, a very "public" school (not that there is anything wrong with that!)....but we definitely don't feel that "safety net" there anymore! lol As we walked around and met teachers and struggled to find the next class and put the school supplies into Lane's LOCKER all I could picture is my big (little) boy sitting on the sidewalk crying because he couldn't find his next class, lost, and didn't have anyone to point him in the right direction......
Now Lane wasn't acting like that AT ALL mind you, he seemed very calm....board even. So on the way home we were talking about the whole process of riding the bus after Kash is born and Lane said but mom, I want to ride the bus the first day! He explained he didn't want to wait until November to start riding the bus, he wanted to start on the first day.....RIGHT THEN I knew just how much I had "grown" him up....he wasn't at all afraid to start a new chapter in his life, with confidence and even pride, he was ready to take on Jr. High (YEAH, they are considered Jr. High!). But for the first time this "pusher" mom felt her "pusher" arms want to just grab him up and say YOU STILL NEED ME! Your my little boy and you still need me....and although that is true...he does still need me...I felt like I lost my "pusher" mothering. I felt the need to put my foot on his head and MAKE him need me....but did I really want that for HIM? No! Because to "grow him UP" is my job, not to hold him back or try to keep him from moveing forward! But I, for the first time, felt like I WANTED him to need me.
So as I laid in bed last night, thinking of the events of the day.....Jackson's little snore as he laid there getting kicked by Kash....the hassle of the shopping trip....the little 5th grader that was starting a new chapter in his life....I said to God, please give me strength to keep "pushing" my kids to grow up.....I know this is what you want for them....but please also give me the ability to savour those moments in between growth so that I may always be strong in times like these.....so that I don't have this urge to hold them back.....I don't like that feeling....and because I know it's my job to grow them up. And I take my job seriously.
So, although I may be "Supermom" most of the time and I rarely show my "soft" side.......still, I am only human after all........and I will ALWAYS need my Father for everything.

Friday, August 12, 2011

In need of some energy?

   I invited my niece Payton and nephew Andrew to come stay the night with my kids last night. After their mom left and we had lunch I decided that we'd play in the sprinkler (well, just the kids, NO WAY I was getting my pregnant self into a bathing suit in front of the neighbors!) so that's five kids to get dressed into swim suits and safely outside. We got out there and turned the water on and of course the twins were the first to jump under the water, Lane went straight to filling up a bucket so he could dump it on someone's head and Payton and Andrew just kinda stood where their feet could get wet while they covered their eyes. I took a seat in a fold up chair with my camera at hand, I'm not one to miss getting a picture of a priceless moment! :)  After a few minutes Payton and Andrew got use to the water and started running around. By then Lane had already gotten into trouble three times for pouring buckets of water onto the twins' heads, and Major had pulled off one of the plastic parts that went to the sprinkler....but all was going well. After about 30 mins of playing well together Jackson picked up the sprinkler and sprayed Lane right in the eyes with the water...funny....well NOT to Lane it wasn't! He went off, stomped away yelling at Jack, said he didn't want to play with that stupid baby anymore! lol I explained to him that he was just doing back to Lane what he had done to him....well after atleast 10 mins of pouting Lane went back to playing with Payton and Andrew....they had figured out they could make a mud hole. About that time the neighbor's dog came running into our yard, greeted each child with a quick lick on the leg and kept running....he made it to the back door where JJ had thrown out a really stinky diaper the night before. The dog grabbed it up and took off with it. OK, now this isn't the first time this had happened....but was I gonna chase after him this time? NO WAY, not while I am 28 weeks pregnant and it's like 104 degrees outside! lol The kids thought the sight of the dog running off with a poopy diaper was the FUNNIEST thing they had ever seen! Major and Jackson took off after him....so there went the idea that I wasn't going to be chaseing anything down. lol Well, after I got the boys to stay on our side of the yard Major spotted the broom (this child is in LOVE with mops and brooms) so he started sweeping the porch and was happy as a clam. Jackson saw a spider and kept getting me to kiss his imaginary spider bites every other minute. By now the bigger kids had a MUD HOLE dug and was very happy about it. We had been out there for about an hour and a half (I got some great pics) and I knew that they all probably in need of some rest (no naps all day). While drying them off I noticed all the grass on them and realized they'd all have to have baths.... they were just fine with that idea. So I got Payton into the big tub (it has jets in it) and Andrew into Lane's bathroom tub. (I asked Lane to help me keep and eye on the little boys while I ran back and fourth between Payton and Andrew helping them get a bath.) I only put about a two feet of water in Andrew's tub and then ran into where Payton was (I had ran her water first). I turned the jets on for her and she squeeled with joy, so I showed her how to turn it off and said I needed to go check on Andrew.....now keep in mind that Lane is in the hall listening for Andrew and keeping an eye on the twins, so they were safe. I ran back to Andrew and he was sitting in the tub with no water in it.....guess he somehow let the water out but he was still playing quietly, so I turned the water on and gave him a quick bath. Lane said Payton is crying mom, so I told Lane to sit with Andrew so I could check on Payton. She had gotten upset with the jets because she couldn't get them to turn off! LOL So I washed her and got her out then ran back to Andrew who was still playing in the tub.....with no water in it...I said are you ready to get out? He said no, I'll just play for a little bit longer. But I told him he had to get out because he was getting too wrinkley. LOL (funny! because again, no water!) After that I decided to just put Lane and the babies in the tub together....I figured it was in my best intrest at this point! :)  They were all really tired by now and ready to sit down and watch some tv. Andrew came up to me and said thank you Aunt Terri for letting me stay with you.....SO SWEET. Little did he know I was even happier than he was to have them stay, there's nothing better than a kids smile and and the sound of them laugh. Major and Jackson ran around the whole time saying where's Pate, and Lane kept asking where Andrew went to.....and although there were a few arguments (mainly out of my kids)....it was the greatest thing for me to look around and see that it really don't take much to make kids happy.........or to wear a pregnant woman out for that matter! LOL But SO worth it!                                                     I am truly Blessed!!
     Also, I had to take "Pate" and Andrew home today and Lane to his dad's for the weekend so JJ stayed home with Jackson and Major. While I was gone JJ said that he was in the kitchen cleaning up when he heard them fighting....he walked into the living room and saw them beating each other over the head with 9 volt batteries! Talk about a way to get some energy back into yourself! ...........I wonder if I beat myself over the head with a battery if I would gain it's energy! LOL

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What an afternoon!

So, I finally made myself tackle Lane's room today! We (and I say that loosely since Lane wasn't much help) went through all his clothes and cleaned his toy box out. He had to try on almost all the clothes in his closet to see if they still fit since he had a growth spurt this summer, MAN was that a feat! He fussed the whole time about trying the clothes on, you'd think I was making him eat worms or something. He said his stomach hurt, his back hurt, and that he NEEDED a nap! Like I didn't have all those same problems! LOL To top it off the twins woke up from their nap just when we made it to the toy box....talk about having to keep my eyes pealed! They were finding marbles and chucking them at the walls, each other, and ME! And every toy I put in the trash bag they had to pull it back out and "make sure it was trash".  Finally "we" got it all cleaned and vacuumed up, so I put the vacuum in another room while I dusted Lane's tv off. Well, I shouldn't have left the vacuum where the twins could get it because a few mins later Lane was yelling MOM, the babies done got the vacuum! I went into the room and they had dirt ALL over them, in their hair, mouth, and their diapers were even brown with dirt! Ugh! So after I got that cleaned up I had to give them ANOTHER bath, which they LOVED! lol So I thought I was done cleaning for a while but as I took their dirty clothes to the laundry room I noticed alot of water on the counter....then I saw several plastic cups on the table....Lane had decided to make another one of his "science projects" while I was giving the babies a bath. He took these little plastic toys and dropped them in a cup of water and put them in the freezer....some he put ice and water in and some he put just water in....not that that mattered to me. All I saw was water and ice all over the kitchen and several cups with weird things in them in my freezer! Needless to say HE cleaned that mess up all by himself. So by now Daddy had got home and announce that he was so sleepy, tired, and hungry.....lol. 
     After dinner Major walked around for almost an hour whining because he wanted JJ or I to put the head cushion onto Kash's (the baby due in Nov.) baby car seat, we did NOT give into this demand. Humph! :)  Then, I saw Jackson in the floor with his toy fish, the kind that sings and flops it's fins. Well, he was sticking out his tongue and putting it in the fish's moving mouth.......guess his first attempt at a french kiss was with a stuffed fish instead of a girl.....but on second thought, maybe I should just be glad it wasn't Grandma Debra's dog!

Beep, Beep, BEEP!

We got up this morning and the fire alarm was making this weird, slow, and loud beeping sound. Of course I couldn't figure out how to turn it off.....Major (2 yr old) was scared to death of it. Every single time he heard it he would scream, so like ever half min. I heard beep.....scream.....beep.....scream......beep......scream! lol So until my husband gets home at lunch there will be that pattern! JOY!
Also, I'm in the process of potty training the twins and Jackson came running to me saying "Popy, Popy, I want Popy" so I ran to the bathroom and tried putting him on the toliet and he starts screaming and kicking saying NO.....I was confused.....he said he needed to poop....so I thought. Then Lane (9yrs old) came out of his bedroom with Major (2 yrs old) holding one of those toy dogs that look real......REALLY REAL! Lane said here Jackson, you can have the puppy now.......so he had been telling me he wanted the puppy, not to go poopy! lol
On the up side, Jackson, whom has called his twin brother (Major) "Jackson" ever since he could talk has finally started calling him by the correct name! One battle at a time....BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!