Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Long Time No Write!

     It's been since April since I've gotten to write, my life has gotten even more busy now. Kash is 8 months old and all over the place, the twins ARE FINALLY POTTY TRAINED, and Lane is out of school. Now you would think things have gotten easier since the boys use the potty now, and they have in some ways, but I'm forever running them to the bathroom now and Kash thinks he has to join us every time. And now that Lane is out of school I have to hear about how board his is everyday. lol My back pain has gotten worse here lately, probably because of the extra bending and lifting to and from the potty with the boys....oh, and since the twins think they are super hero's now I'm breaking up fights and kissing boo boo more often now....not to mention that Kash thinks he is three years old and can do everything the boys can do so I'm forever lifting him and moving him out of "danger"......you'd think I'd be use to back pain by now but I don't think you ever get use to it.
      Man, I can't believe how big my kids are getting!! I just wish I could pause them in time so I can enjoy them for longer. As busy as they keep me I wouldn't change my job as a stay at home mom for the world. I make sure to cuddle each and every one of them (when they will allow me to!) everyday and tell them how much I love them. Time is a very short thing and I'm gonna try to enjoy every second of it with my little family. I know this was kinda a random post but it's just what I was thinking about today. :)  

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