Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Trouble With Potty Training :/

So I woke up this morning at 6 to feed Kash and then I couldn't go back to sleep. So I got up and planned my day. I decided to get oil changed, buy groceries, pic up pictures from Sears, get laundry done, and clean trash out of my car for the trip. I know A LOT to do for one day, but it had to get done. But it was raining and I didn't get started until around 2, I ran by post office before I went to get Lane from school and realized I left the double stroller at home!!! Crap! Oh well, I'll manage I thought. Well, when I got to the parking lot of the school I decided I'd use that time to clean the trash out of my car....might as well right!? lol So just as I was finished putting the last bit of trash in the Wally World bag Lane came out and then we left. I went and picked up pictures then went to Wal-Mart lube to get oil changed and went in to gro shop. You should of see us four! LOL I probably looked like some crazy woman in there with all the kids. I had two carts, Major and Kash in one and Jackson in the other. Lane pushed the one with Jackson in it and the groceries and I pushed the other. I kept having to look back and make sure Lane was keeping up and not running into people (or into MY heels) with the cart. As well as try to keep my list away from Major (not an easy task) and buy groceries. Sigh! I feel tired just talking about it again! lol But we got it all done and headed home.....JUST in time too because it was time for Kash to eat and he was whaling! (And my milk was dropping with every cry! OUCH!) So we got home and unloaded all the groceries (and kids!) and then I started to heat Kash a bottle up (I didn't have time to sit and feed right that min and he eats WAY faster when fed from a bottle). I asked Lane to help watch the twins while I put up groceries.....well I heard yelling....LOTS of yelling. So I stopped what I was doing and went to the play room where the twins were and what did I see?!?!?! Yep, you probably guessed it! Major on the train table NAKED and turds on the table (right near the bridge to be exact! :?) and on the floor. Jackson was bent down yelling YUCK and pointing.....pointing SO CLOSE he was almost touching it! So I ran Major to the changing table and cleaned him up (made Jack go with us!) and then washed both their hands and cleaned up the mess.
After that I finished putting up the groceries and fed Kash. Then I went to check to see what Lane was doing in the bathroom....he said he was going to take a bath but who knows around here! lol And he was in the tub with water ALL over the floor and like three clean (well, they were clean!) towels on the floor and poop in the toilet (he NEVER flushes) and some ON THE SIDE OF THE POT! OMG!!! Are you kidding me!?!?! It seems like poop runs my life lately! I said boy you are 10 yrs old and you WILL clean that up on your own! *shaking my head as I am remembering it just now*
So my wonderful husband (my savior at this point because Major was running around without a diaper AGAIN!) finally gets home from working 10 hours today and tells me while putting a diaper on Major and also changing Jackson's poopy diaper that his boss has given him one more responsibility at work......the KEEPER OF THE KEYS TO THEIR BUILDINGS!!!!! WHAT the world!?! He can't even keep up with his own car keys more 'n less with keys that important! LOL I got a kick out of that and am very curious to see how it goes! ROTFL!!! Anyhow, I think he could look at me and tell I was beat so he said you need a long hot bath and he went and ran me one. While I was in the shower he made BLT's and FF and unloaded/loaded the dishwasher. WHEW! What a difference having him around can be.
So after we ate he cleaned up the kitchen and got the boys ready for bed.....I am SO grateful for that man! And about that time I felt something wet on my leg and it was Major without a diaper, AGAIN! I'm gonna kill that kid before he gets the chance to get all the way potty trained! LOL :?

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