Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The POOP MONSTER strikes!

Okay, it's been a while since I've had time to write but we have our new baby here! He is super cute and is such a good baby!! I really mean a GOOD BABY!! He has slept ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT FROM DAY ONE!!! I know right!!! Amazing! The twins started sleeping through the night at around three weeks old, my oldest child Lane was FOUR before he started sleeping through the night. And after the twins I just knew I couldn't get that lucky (more like BLESSED!) again! But I did! Thank GOD because with the way the twins have started acting when it's bedtime I'm not sure I could survive a baby that wakes up every two hours at night! LOL
I don't know what's gotten into Major and Jackson, seems like as soon as they hit two they became the poster children for the "terrible two's" saying. We use to be able to say bed time and brush their teeth and put them to bed.....just easy as pie! But now we even mention the word bed and they go crazy! We have tried spanking them, letting them watch tv in bed, laying in the beds with them for a while.....nothing seems to work for more than one night. One of us usually has to stay in there with them either threatening them to not get up or "petting" them to sleep. Sigh! I do realize that having the baby here now is a big change for them but this started several months before Kash got here. I'm at a loss!
Lane is doing ok in school, he still isn't make the best grades in math but he is improving. I've just realized that I'm going to have to stay on his teachers about sending study stuff home. He is just in love with Kash! He was the same way with the twins.....up until they were old enough to start showing him that they had their own personalities! LOL But I think we all sometimes wish they would stay babies! ; )
JJ (my husband) has been  totally awesome.....well he is totally awesome most always anyhow! But he really has since I got pregnant and started having all these gallbladder problems. He has been doing EVERYTHING! Really, he won't even hardly allow me to get up out of my chair! Which probably seems great to most people who aren't so obsessed with having things done just so! LOL I've really learned to relax and let things go though this past year and so, for that, I am grateful and proud. I am now a mother of four that just had a c-sec and is due for a tubal/gallbladder removal on December 16th....... and basically have NO control over how ANYTHING goes anymore anyhow. So I'm going to just go with the flow and pray my husband don't kill himself trying to take care of us all! LOL No, really though, JJ has been awesome and I couldn't ask for a better partner! (Now if only I could get him to stop thinking it's cute get out of the shower and show me his "little dance"! LOL
Now, to get these twins potty trained!!!! Let me tell you what happened the first day I was home alone with all three of the babies! I was in the middle of breastfeeding Kash when I heard the twins start yelling something about the "poop monster".....I though hummm, they must be saying something else, surely not POOP monster. Well, Jackson came running into the living room where I was and said ROAR, I'M THE POOP MONSTER! (So I looked at his bottom and no diaper! But it also didn't look as if he had pooped either!) Well, I just said really, your the poop monster....ha ha ha!  Then I saw Major with a shovel running back into their bedroom.....so I quickly stopped feeding Kash (he was pretty much done anyways) and went to see what they were talking about. I walked into their room and what did I see?!?!  Jackson jumping on the bed half naked yelling poop monster and Major in the floor with a plastic shovel picking up little poop balls (WITH HIS HAND!!!) and placing them into the shovel! OMG!! I grabbed them and took them to the bathroom and scrubbed them down, then went to clean the mess in the room up.....as I was taking the "mess" to the trash I saw little poop balls all over the front sitting room floor! (My first thought, after "I'm gonna KILL them!" was I can't believe all this came out of one child (Jackson), then my second thought was I needed to give him some juice to loosen things up! LOL) They had been putting the poop in the shovel and throwing it into the front room! YUCK!!!! So I cleaned all that up and by the time I was done it was time to start feeding the baby again!
I thought to myself, if this is what my days have in store for me then I'm gonna need a stiff drink every day by lunch! LOL And although it wasn't funny at the time, I find it very funny now.....THE POOP MONSTER!!!! ROAR!!!   Boys are SO gross!!!