Saturday, October 15, 2011

Nerves are getting to me.....

Well, baby boy number four will be here in 11 days!!! I must say that I am a nervous wreck! Most people tell me that if I could handle new born twins that I can handle one more....but I wasn't even a bit nervous or scared when I was expecting them. I was calm and confident and ready to take it on! This time seems alot different...could be because I already have three kids!! lol I know that God will see us through and give me the strength to handle it all but I'm still alittle scared. So please pray for me.....well all of us! I'm sure it will be quite the change for all of us.
On another note, I have managed to keep the twins from smearing poop all over the house for the last month but they are STILL taking their diapers off almost every time they dirty it. I've kept shorts on them and they still take them off.....mabe I should try duct tape! lol And I'm sure they would be potty trained by now if I felt well enough to put all I had into it. But as soon as I'm healed from the c-sec I will get right on it.
Lane is doing pretty well in his new school, it's def alot different than he is use to but he is happy. He got his first D-Hall a few weeks ago....he was scared to death but after he "served" his time he was like "that wasn't that bad!" :(  Lord I hope this don't mean he ain't scared of getting into trouble anymore! He ran for student council but didn't get voted in....I think the whole experiance was good for him. He seemed to have alot of fun running also.
Jackson has been attached to my stomache for the last several months....he love to feel the baby kick and rub my tummy. I think it's so sweet! I am alittle worried about his jealousy after the baby is born but I think for now he is excited. Major talks alittle about the baby but most of the time could care less! lol They mostly fight over my lap because I can sit both of them in it anymore! Major has even said MOVE BABY KASH! :)
I am not sleeping much anymore and I am always thinking too much....but I think that is the nesting part of the pregnancy. That or the fact that I can't get comfortable! But on the up side the doctor set me up to get my gallbladder removed and for a tubal on Dec. 7th!  YAY! Until then I don't think I'm gonna let my hubby so much as kiss me! lol Just kidding! But I will be so glad when that is done, alot less pain and worry! Well, that's all for now. I'm gonna try to just think about this cute, sweet, wonderful little blessing that's about to enter into my world and not about the scary stuff.